Post 432 Mt. Dare

Ian Collard
June 1, 2022

Mt. Dare

Mt Dare.

Yep we all made it across the Simpson to Mt Dare.

Left to right.

Don and John in a Range Rover.

Bruce and Deb in a Land Cruiser.

Cedric and Jen in a Troop Carrier.

Lars travelling with Ian.

Leanne and Mark in a Ford Ranger (also red).

Ann and Ian in an Explorer Motorhome - Ford Ranger.

Janet and Bob in a Land Cruiser.

Ian in BT 50? Maybe isuzu sorry can't remember but ute with camper on the back.

And taking the photo team leader Tony Daveys in Toyota Land Cruiser.



Mt Dare

Arriving at Mt Dare and lining up for fuel. We had travelled 590 kms and used 120 litres of fuel. Fuel was $2.70 a litre it had been $3.15 but with the lastest delivery and the government reducing the tax this load was $2.70 a litre.

On the way to Mt Dare

We stopped at opossum water hole on the way to Mt Dare. I managed to capture some of the hundreds of zebra finches.

Opossum water hole.

Some large spider webs and equally large spiders around the water hole.

Mt Dare

This wind mill out the front of the Mt Dare Hotel isn't operational, but does make for stunning photos in the morning sunrise.

Mt Dare

Mt Dare windmill

Mt Dare

Mt Dare windmill

Mt Dare

A melon tree borders the campground at Mt Dare.

Mt Dare

The White Breasted Woodswallows overseeing movement in the Mt Dare carpark in the morning.

Mt Dare

The vehicles getting ready for an 8:30 departure. Not all of us are heading back across the desert. Bob and Janet are taking the bitumen route. Ian and Lars are not risking doing any more damage to Ian's ute and are also following the bitumen back to Queensland. Don is not feeling well and will be heading south down the Stuart Highway for home. (When he got home he did a RAT and tested positive for COVID.)