I did a ranger guided tour or Trezkinn cave. I was pleasantly surprised that the shots inside the cave turned out ok.
Not a spectacular formation I liked the small bat. I think it it a horseshoe bat.
Chillagoe Trezkinn cave
The Chandelier
Chillagoe Trezkinn cave
Chillagoe Balancing Rock
Aren't there balancing rocks every where? This is Chillagoe's version.
Chillagoe Mungana rock art
Mungana Rock Art site. Unfortunately I think the meaning of any of this art or the site has been lost.
Chillagoe The Archways
Was actually a bit disappointed with this self guided cave walk. It is about 15km out of town and we were expecting to go into a cave and discover formations for our selves. It is not like that. Still in hind site there are pretty impressive caverns with openings to the outside.